Welcome to Marlow Baptist Church, a fellowship of people who love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
Please join us each Sunday at 10.30am for our worship services which include prayer, praise, preaching and teaching. We have a time of fellowship with refreshments after the services.
The Sunday School meets from 10.30am.
Our 2 preaching series for January and February are
'Rightly dividing the Word of Truth' and 'Joy in Christ - Philippians'
More information on the 2 sermon series is on the 'What's On' page of this web site.
You are invited to join with us or watch live on our YouTube channel: Marlow Baptist Church UK. If you are unable to attend, an audio recording will also be available on the 'Sermons' page of this web site later on the day. Recordings of our sermons and other teaching series are available on our YouTube channel.
Please email marlowbc@yahoo.com if you would like to join other meetings on Zoom or for more information on our services.
If you would like to support us via Stewardship please click on the icon below.