Marlow Baptist church runs a fun, interactive and structured Sunday School during our 10:30 morning service.  We also offer a creche to children between 0 and 4 years and have parent helpers supporting us during this time.  


We place a strong emphasis on ensuring that we teach children who attend stories and principles from the Bible whilst keeping it fun and engaging.  Our lessons are run by Marlow Baptist Church volunteers who study the teaching material and present lessons consisting of songs, prayers, Bible instruction, crafts, relevant media presentations like videos and games.  We consider relationships within our fellowship to a big priority and try to echo this in our Sunday School lessons by building relationship and rapport with the children who attend.  We currently use the Generations of Grace programme as our lesson material but sometimes include aspects more appropriate to our group, i.e. celebrating local events and Christian celebrations.  




In our creche room we have a variety of toys, games and crafts for little ones and this is usually overseen by a helper who is one of our mums in church as well.  We know it can be tricky with little ones in church and that it is also often difficult for them to separate from parents so encourage mums to attend and join us if they feel comfortable with this. 


We hope you will join us at Sunday School and experience the life changing message that Jesus lives! Together we learn, grow and share life with Jesus Christ as the Centre of our faith.